
Fotball er et ballspill og en lagidrett, verdens mest populære sport, der det skilles mellom bredde- og eliteidrett. Formålet med spillet er å score mål, det vil si å få ballen over motstanderens mållinje. Hvert lag består av elleve spillere, en målvakt (keeper) og ti utespillere. Se fakta om fotball.

Dag Arnesen Wikipedia – KIL

Vålerenga Fotball

Raufoss Fotball 

Nye Everton Stadium

Og nye tider i vente, I hope…


Klubber jeg har spilt for, og engasjert meg i.

Spiller og leder








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Sander IL


Se målene i 3-0 seieren mot Moss i 1988, Gjemselund.



Alt om Kongsvinger

KIL 17 år på rad i eliteserien

Everton F.C. - Wikipedia

Litt tanker EFC:

Fakta Everton FC.

Everton har spilt 120 sesonger, av 124 mulige, i den øverste divisjonen, noe som er rekord. Everton har vunnet seriemesterskapet ni ganger og har vært i den øverste divisjonen siden 1954. Klubben var en av grunnleggerne av Premier League i 1992.

Pr. 3/4-2024

Everton situation jan 23

Self-confidence is important. But it has to match the skills of a player. It’s in the minds of the players, why do all Everton players think they’re better than they are. Manager and coaches need to introduce a better self-awareness. Only then will they understand what is needed and the job that needs to be done. This applies to everyone in the club, and the club itself. We have to demand the same effort after good performances and reset after every game. Excited about the future but we need a striker.

To survive in the top division year after year. Entering his 70th consecutive season at the top level (!). To live on old traditions and achievements. That players and support staff think they are better than they actually are. Making new and exciting players worse. Experiencing time and time again that players who do not succeed and are sold succeed. Having supporters who cannot dress in blue, nor wear a scarf or wave a flag. Having Supporters who must have the league’s and Europe’s narrowest song repertoire. Getting very little out of the player base and all the billions being invested. To believe that following the Everton Way from Howard Kendall’s time, success will come by itself… Not having the ability to reset after a win, or after saving a new season in the PL. Not winning anything since 1995…. To build a fantastic new stadium along the Mersey River. That the Evertonians do as always; hoping for Good times to come…

Sist Everton vant et trofé, 1995… jeg var på Wembley denne minnerike dagen. FA cup finalemotstander var seierssikre Man U. De hadde et meget godt lag den gangen. 1-0 til oss etter scoring av Rideout, well done!